Due to inclement weather and cold temperatures, NO Services on Sunday, January 12, 2025..

You are invited to Join MVBC each Sunday

8:00 AM Worship Service
9:15 AM Sunday School classes studying the Word of God
10:30 AM Worship Service Family Life Center


We invite you to join us live each
Sunday morning at 10:30
Wednesday night at 7:00 PM

Love Through God's Eyes Event for Valentine's

MVBC will host the movie “The Blind”. We are excited to host a church movie night on February 22 @ 6:15 showing The Blind Long before Phil Robertson became a reality TV show; he fell in love with Miss Kay and started a family, but his demons threatened to tear their lives apart. Set in the backwoods swamps of 1960s Louisiana, THE BLIND share never-before-revelaed moments in Phil’s life as he seeks to conquer the shame of his past, ultimately finding redemption in an unlikely place. This stunningg cinematic journey chronicles the love story that launched a dynasty, theturmoil that nealy broght it crashing down, and the hope that rose from the ashes to create a foundation for generations to come. You can purchase tickets for this event by joining with us at MVBC. Ticket cost is $6 each for 13 and up. Pay at the door or follow the link below.

We will have a spaghetti dinner hosted by the youth from 5-6PM by donation. Please sign up for your reservation for this event.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Week of Prayer - March 2 - March 9

Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support for thousands of missionaries. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed.

Delivery on Food Boxes

Food Blessing Boxes will be distributed on
Tuesday, February 11 and 25, 2025 @ 5 PM
Mountain View Baptist Church
112 Mountain View Road
Independence, VA.

One box per family, please share this information with others. Church family may pick up boxes and delivery to others in the community.

Women's Ministry .... Come Aside Ladies

The ladies of MVBC will meet on second Tuesday of each month @ 6:00. They will come together to make plans for the new year and what God has laid on hearts to do for their homes, church, and community.

Our New Bible Study will be All Things New

An 8-Session Study On 2 Corinthians by Kelly Minter
The city of ancient Corinth was much like our own modern-day cities: a melting pot of electrifying cultural experiences to be had, along with the myriad pitfalls of spiritual depravity. Still, Paul wrote to the Church of God in Corinth – meaning God’s Church is meant to thrive in any city and every circumstance in which we find ourselves. Paul’s letter is as timely as ever.

Over 8 sessions, Kelly Minter will lead you through the Letter of 2 Corinthians, exploring the anchoring truths of bearing treasures in jars of clay, meeting Christ through a pressing thorn, opening wide your heart in the midst of hurtful relationships, and what it means to embrace the lost and lonely as ministers of the new covenant. Each of us has a message to proclaim and live by: Because of Jesus the old has gone, the new has come.

Men' s Ministry ... THE FORGE

The Forge will meet each thirdThursday, of each month. Please make arrangements to join this group of men as they set out to make a difference in their homes, church, and community.

FREE Online Movie Night and Preview

At this time, MVBC has joined with Catalyst to provide movies each Friday and Sunday nights at 7:00pm to families free of charge. Enjoy time with your family in the comfort of your own home.

Please make sure to watch previews and read synopsis to make decisions for age appropriate children. Language, sexual content, and violence have been removed from the movies per Catalyst.


You may give online by clicking below.

Location Details

112 Mountain View Road Independence, VA 24348

  • 8:00 AM Worship Service
    9:15 AM Sunday School
    10:30 AM Worship Service
    Kingdom Kids (Birth-3rd)
    7:00 PM Each Wednesday
    Bible Study
    Youth 8-12th grade
    4th – 7th grade
    7:00 PM Each Sunday Evening
    God’s Word Proclaimed

  • 276-768-9839 or 276-768-8571

  • mvbc​@mvb-church.org